Sponsor a Student with a Suit
Proud For Prom relies on the generous support of people like you to help make a difference in the lives of students in need.
By sponsoring a student with a contribution of $355, you will be providing a new suit, shirt, and tie for their graduation experience. If you would like to sponsor a graduate, click on the Sponsor a Student button and then click on Proud for Prom in the drop down menu. The School District will issue you a tax receipt for your donation. Proud for Prom will include your name on our Sponsors Page. If you are a business, please email your logo to proudforprom@gmail.com. We will include your company logo on our Sponsor Page as well.
Our Generous Sponsors
Thank you to all who contributed to our 2024 Sponsor a Student with a Suit Campaign. You have made a difference in helping future graduate feel confident and proud on their special day.
In the words of one sponsor, "I know grad is a very big event. I was raised by a single mom and I remember that my older brother bought me a suit for graduation because my mom couldn’t afford it. I know not everyone has an older brother who can or will help out.”
Corporate Sponsors
Individual Sponsors
Sylvia Coughlin, Jamie Kaban, Kathy Krasnov,
Brenda Loveridge, Julie Loveridge-Marks,
Daphne & Cliff Moore, Jerry Schramm